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* Ashish_Ghorela * For step 8- Inside jokes and teasing is fun when you know what to joke about, so be careful. And don't take things too far, like saying her friend is weird or stupid. If they're close, you've wrecked your chances.. when you know what to say, girls love (nice) teasing!
* Don't make your first move too soon.
* Know that "attracting" is just a part of a relationship.
* Girls likes guys who understand them, listening is VERY important
* If a girl tells you to leave her alone (ONLY WHEN SHE IS SAD/CRYING), don't, because some part of her wants someone to be with her, even if she says not to bother her
* Love her for who she is.
* Understand her mind and how to interact with her.
* Don't text or do anything else when talking to a girl, always look into her eyes.
* Always give a little smile to her.
* Don't be a creeper/stalker.
* Look in her eyes real deep...
2014-03-10 07:58 · (0)

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