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RDS, Haryana

Rural Development Society, Haryana

Our main target is Awarness and Development in rural area.
This is a Non-Govrnoment organisation, named: Rural Development Society, Haryana (RDS).
Which is conneted with many villages, and there news & information is avilable on our wapsite www.onlinerds.tk with photos, also rural problems and their solutions, motivate to students & youths toward games and cultral-functions.

We are working on projects, our first project is 'Easy connection to villages by internet',
Second project is 'Telent-Show in rural area'.

Also we are tring to develop a system which able to give news & information of villages to every body.
This system is at starting level, so that we needs your help & suggestion.
Please give us feedback @ Email: rdsharyana@live.com

As well as we are working for news and information, we also working for Entertainment (Downloads, Jokes, Online Games, etc),
Education (Results, Admissions § Scholarships information, educational wepsites, Articals, Poems and Stories, Techanical edu, HTML Tutorial, and carrer help, etc)
Gallery (Photos and Videos from village life), Accessories (GPRS Help, maps, calander, bookmarks, toll free help line numbers, tricks, balance transfer service,
facebook updater), Youth clubs (Shaheed Bhagat Singh Youva Sanathan, Kundanpura, Nehru Yuva Sangathan, Mugalpura),
Form, Bookmarkes (top websites list of all types), and Haryanvi Jokes in MP3, etc. services.

our team

upload this data in website.
For more information

Contact Us or email : rdsharyana@live.com

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